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Training on "Localization in Lao"


Laos country team constituted of about 10 fresh CS graduates with little or no experience in development of localization applications. Other than this, the training also became challenging since the training recipients could barely understand English, thus there was a significant communication barrier between the trainer and the trainees. To counter for this language barrier, the trainer had to explain majority of the topics visually in the form of diagrams and figures.  While at certain times, the trainer also had to write his verbal statements on the whiteboard to convey the message. The language barrier though made the training more challenging for the trainer but it clearly marked the significance of developing local language applications for the people as the local populations had significant difficulty in understanding English.



This training specifically targeted Open Type font development for Lao but also covered development of other basic local language applications.  During the training the topics covered included, Lao Keyboard Layout Development, Issues in Lao Collation and Developing Line/Word Breaking Algorithm for Lao.

However, prior to starting the training on localization some training on fundamental concepts of programming in C++ was also discussed to enable the team to develop algorithm for line/word breaking and collation.

These issues mainly covered

  • Keyboard Layout creation

  • Collation  and Line/word breaking

  •  basic concepts in C++

  • Open Type Font Development

It was further believed that this training would enable the team to develop algorithm for line/word breaking and collation, if required.


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